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The Fundamental Goal of Iridology

It's all about prevention.

The fundamental goal of iridology is the prevention of serious degenerative processes by integrating nutritional, mechanical (body work), spiritual and emotional support.

Some of the benefits of iridology are:

  • Overall health awareness

  • Understanding how the organs interact

  • Knowing which organs are under or overactive

  • Becoming familiar with the body's overall chemistry

  • Knowing the conditions of the nervous, digestive, elimination, lymphatic and structural systems of the body.

The Capabilities of Iridology include:

  • Inflammation Spotting. Will show where inflammation is present.

  • Reveals areas in the body where acidity has or can accumulate.

  • Body Activity Levels. Will show if any part of your body is overactive or underactive.

  • Problem Spotting. Will show where problems are occurring in your body.

It is this tissue change that takes place in the patient that makes iridology especially valuable for those specializing in the treatment of chronic diseases.

What Symptoms Can Iridology Determine the Cause of?

An iridology assessment provides you with information about your body signals and how you can respond to them. Certain conditions can be spotted before they cause serious problems. If you are suffering from any of the symptoms below, iridology assessment is a highly effective tool to help you determine the cause(s):

  • Constipation

  • Migraine

  • Insomnia

  • Skin problems

  • Anemia

  • Low Energy, Fatigue

  • Memory problems

  • Stress, Anxiety

  • Fevers, Cold, Flu

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • High Cholesterol

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Digestion problems/ heartburn

The greatest feature and main advantage of Constitutional Iridology over other forms of health screening are that the iris reveals potentials and tendencies that may occur if a person lives their life a certain way. Therefore, symptoms can be treated decades before they ever appear. Preventative action may be taken to improve health and avoid those diseases that might otherwise follow.

Take care of your future self. Book an assessment today.


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