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What is

“Iridology is the art and science of analyzing the colour and structure of the iris of the eye to gain valuable health information.”

Eyes aren't just the window into your soul - they also offer a glimpse into your health.

Do you know which foods are best for you to be eating?  Can your eyes show health problems?

Iridology is a noninvasive form of analysis that can help tell us more about someone's genetic strengths as well as areas of potential deficiencies. 

With so much information about food and supplements in the media, how do you know what is really right for you? 


The same foods are not beneficial for everyone. You are unique and so are your nutritional needs. 


The level of health and wellness of your entire body can be observed through your eyes. Your irises connect to every aspect of your body through your brain and nervous system. Each iris is made of over 20,000 nerve endings and reveals which traits you have inherited from your family.


Iridology is an excellent tool for proactive health care practices, allowing one to take an inside look at their systems and organs, and assess what areas of the body will require additional nutritional support. 


The optic nerve connects your eye to your entire body. Creating a reflexive map of the body indicating possible irritation, inflammation, toxicity, congestion, deficiencies, inherited aspects of health, and strengths within the body. There are even personality and behavioural indicators present in the Iris. 

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Schedule a Nutrition & Iridology session with Katy to clarify exactly which foods will help you regain and maintain your health and vitality.
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